Ihre All-Rounderin, Assistenz & Projektmanagerin mit Schwerpunkt Marketing & Vertrieb
Sie möchten einiges in Ihrem Unternehmen verändern und digitalisieren, doch der Start wird immer wieder vertagt? Holen Sie sich lokale Unterstü
Anzeigenerstellung: Optimalen Darstellung & Neukunden gewinnen
(Beispielsweise im Glasmacher)
Wie stelle ich meine Marke überzeugend und authentisch dar?
Der Weg zu einem professionellen Webauftritt
Wie ist eine professionelle Website aufzubauen?
Beratung zu Social Media Kampagnen & Postings
Wie erreichen Sie die gewünschte Zielgruppe? Worauf ist zu achten?
Online-Shop Vermarktung
Give-Aways, Werbemittel: Wie Sie eigene Produkte im Online-Shop vermarkten können
Beratung und Strategieentwicklung Ihrer Digitalisierung
Workshops & weitere Methoden zur Digitalisierung Ihres Geschäftsmodells
Ihr aktuelles Ziel: Sie möchten Ihre Firma bekannter machen und Neukunden erreichen
Ihre Herausforderungen:
- Derzeit nicht genügend Zeit & Ressourcen
- Veralteter Auftritt im Internet
- Es fehlt an Neukunden
Viele Unternehmen stehen weiterhin vor der Herausforderung, neue digitale Vertriebswege einzuführen und zu nutzen. Auch in den bislang wirksamen Medien, wie Zeitungsanzeigen, sollte darauf geachtet werden frischen Wind reinzubringen, um sich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben und die Leser auf Ihre Produkte/Dienstleistungen aufmerksam zu machen.
100% digitization - 50% savings
"Hamburg Digital" is offered in two separate program modules that build on one another. The two modules are requested separately online. In principle, it is also possible to apply for just one. The envisaged rule is, however, that companies use both modules one after the other.
Module 1: "Digital Check"
In this module, up to € 10,000 net advice with the aim of digitization implementation concepts is funded with 50% state funding. The concept must contain at least the content of the measures developed specifically for the company, the goals they are aimed at, the resources and investments required for implementation, as well as an implementation schedule.
Module 2: "Digital Invest"
The eligible investments include up to a maximum of 56,666 euros net, with a 30% funding of a maximum of 17,000 euros for hardware and software as well as expenses for external service providers that are necessary for the implementation of the measures.
The program will start on March 15, 2021 and will initially run until the end of 2022. Funding can be requested from IFB Hamburg after the funding guidelines have been published. Detailed information on the funding conditions will be available shortly at www.ifbhh.de .
How do I start the program?
The program is brand new and can now be requested online. Apply for a Hamburg digital bonus of up to € 5,000 and receive a consulting service of up to € 10,000: https://eantrag.ifbhh.de/login
Important to know: Contact us before submitting an application. You are not allowed to submit an application if the measure has already started. Only measures that have not yet started are eligible. The measure is considered to have started when a legally binding order has already been placed or an order for the provision of a service has been placed (possibly also only verbally). The measure may only be started once you have received the grant notification. The notification of approval is sent digitally.
Who is eligible for the Hamburger Digitalbonus program?
Self-employed, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in trade and industry
Freelance workers such as doctors / dentists / veterinarians / auditors / tax consultants / lawyers / patent attorneys / engineers / architects / advising economists / economists / scientists / artists / writers / alternative practitioners / physiotherapists / journalists / photo reporters / interpreters / translators and other solo freelancers)
Craft businesses
Establishment in Hamburg in which the funded measure is used
<250 employees (full-time equivalents) at the level of affiliated companies
Proper business management
What are possible digitization consulting topics?
Examples of the digitization of business models, products and services:
Introduction of a comprehensive digitization strategy
Workshops and similar leading methods for digitizing a business model
Development of digital platforms: In principle, all projects to optimize a website that go beyond the introduction of standardized interaction options (e.g. contact form), e.g. the integration of automated data / information processing (e.g. chatbots) or the mapping of the whole, are eligible for funding Processes (e.g. sales)
Examples of the digitization of production, procedures and processes:
Introduction of digital sales channels (mobile e-commerce)
Digitization of the value chain such as integration of digital workflows with suppliers and customers (e-commerce / e-procurement / adaptive order management)
Digitization of internal company processes (e.g. in the areas of controlling, human resource management, materials management)
Creating the technical prerequisites for forms of (video conferencing, remote maintenance, etc.) within your company, including initializing the use of cloud technologies
What are the exclusion criteria?
The following are excluded: Companies in difficulty (according to EU definition)
Costs for optimizing a website for a pure company or product presentation
Costs for common online marketing measures (SEO, SEA, etc.)
Creation of social media channels
How is the process?
Your advisor, the UMSATZSCHMIEDE Marketing & Sales Consulting
Use of intelligent digitization solutions to successfully realign your products, your online marketing and your sales.
It is not always easy to analyze and adapt your own processes and working methods in everyday business. Optimizations move your company forward, but represent an obstacle and loss of time in operational operations. UMSATZSCHMIEDE helps you not to lose focus, to make the right decisions and to implement measures that advance your company.
Based on a recording of the current state of your company, we will work together to develop a leading roadmap for the digitization of your company. We are happy to assist you with the implementation so that you benefit from the digital transformation in the long term.
Start now: Contact us
Telephone: 040 88 933 056
Marketing & Sales Consultancy
Owner Christine Witthöft
Mittelweg 144
20148 Hamburg